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The Books Published
Bestseller Books
Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed of leaving a legacy behind me which would benefit others. When I decided to write, I honestly didn’t think it would take so much time and I admit that I have underestimated the writing profession until now.
I have always believed in a good start to the day with appropriate physical and spiritual routines. When I worked, I often made excuses for not having the time, and later realized how important it is to make and devote time to this.
My conviction that twenty minutes a day is enough to improve our health and energy comes from personal experience. Very often the women around me complain that they do not have time to do something for themselves by accepting the roles of mother, wife, housewife and even full-time employee. The fact is, those twenty minutes a day will make you feel fresher, more inspired and even more productive. Years ago, I was a fan of long and difficult fitness training at a minimum of an hour a day at the gym. Today, with our busy daily life we don’t have time as managing a family, our intimate relationships and work, eat into most of our day. Once you master the program, the routine will be really easy and intuitive. You will also be able to tailor the exercises to your own capacity so you can do more or less of them, which will give you more joy.
This book is my gift for you, my beloved reader, if you want to know the secret of how I raise my vibrations when I need that in a very short time.
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×Running an independent Spa or Hotel offering health-related solutions for busy travellers and residents, you recognize the importance of providing wellness services.
Implementing and periodically updating activities and features to provide a unique health-focused experience for your guests ensures you stay on top of your game. A state-of-the-art facility offers treatments, from the most innovative biohacking experiences, through ever-so-arising mind therapies to traditional massages and facials. Multiple fitness activities and the latest hi-tech equipment are provided in parallel to create a sense of holistic wellness for your guests.
How to provide a space for them to relax and re-energize from the check-in throughout their stay? How do we carefully create and curate a space intertwined with happenings to promote de-stress, re-balance, and vitality boost while being profitable for stakeholders and owners How to educate your partners and decision-makers along the way without being ridiculed or sounding absurd and unrealistic? Dive in to explore insights from a spa and wellness professional who went on a 20+ years wellness journey to figure out what works and what does not.